Step | Do | Verify |
Create external schema |
Run the following SQL in Query Editor.
Replace the value for <RedshiftClusterRoleArn> with the value previously determined.
When the query completes you will see the following in the query results
![]() |
Check the external schema |
Run the following SQL
When the query completes you will see the following in the query results
![]() |
You can review the external table definition by using the following url, open a new tab;namespace=demo
If you see the get started AWS glue page, click on get started. Then click on parquet table.
Observer the following about the table definition:
• The format is parquet
• The Amazon S3 location
• This data set is 160M records
• The AWS glue table lists the column and corresponding data types of columns
Let’s go back to the Amazon Redshift Query editor.