Getting Started
1. AWS Console Login
2. AWS Cloud Formation Parameters
1. Business Requirements
2. Lab Goal
3. Connect to Amazon Redshift
4. Create External Schema
5. Create Tables
6. Data Ingestion
7. Review Tables
8. Analyze product review data
9. Unload to data lake
10. Inspect Queries
Additional Resources
© 2019 Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.
Amazon Redshift Schema Design and Data Ingestion Lab
Getting Started
> 1. AWS Console Login
AWS account login
1. AWS Console Login
AWS account login
Please use Chrome or Firefox browser to ensure smooth lab experience.
Navigate to:
and enter the hash.
Click on: “AWS Console”
Click on: “Open Console”
In the upper-right corner of the AWS Management Console, confirm you are in the desired
AWS region (e.g., N. Virginia)