5. Create Tables

Let’s create the date_dim table using the default distribution style auto. This is a small static dimension table Run the following table creation SQL in query editor

CREATE TABLE public.date_dim
  d_date_sk             INTEGER NOT NULL,
  d_date_id             CHAR(16) NOT NULL,
  d_date                DATE,
  d_month_seq           INTEGER,
  d_week_seq            INTEGER,
  d_quarter_seq         INTEGER,
  d_year                INTEGER,
  d_dow                 INTEGER,
  d_moy                 INTEGER,
  d_dom                 INTEGER,
  d_qoy                 INTEGER,
  d_fy_year             INTEGER,
  d_fy_quarter_seq      INTEGER,
  d_fy_week_seq         INTEGER,
  d_day_name            CHAR(9),
  d_quarter_name        CHAR(6),
  d_holiday             CHAR(1),
  d_weekend             CHAR(1),
  d_following_holiday   CHAR(1),
  d_first_dom           INTEGER,
  d_last_dom            INTEGER,
  d_same_day_ly         INTEGER,
  d_same_day_lq         INTEGER,
  d_current_day         CHAR(1),
  d_current_week        CHAR(1),
  d_current_month       CHAR(1),
  d_current_quarter     CHAR(1),
  d_current_year        CHAR(1)

Create the product_reviews table with distribution style auto. Sort key of columns marketplace and review_date. These columns are good choice for sortkey as end users are going to use these in the query frequently to filter on Run the following table creation SQL in query editor

CREATE TABLE product_reviews
  marketplace varchar(2),
  customer_id bigint,
  review_id varchar(24),
  product_id varchar(24),
  product_parent bigint,
  product_title varchar(512),
  star_rating int,
  helpful_votes int,
  total_votes int,
  vine char(1),
  verified_purchASe char(1),
  review_headline varchar(256),
  review_body varchar(max),
  review_date date,
  year int,
  product_category varchar(32))

Review the compression/encoding of the columns. Amazon Redshift automatically creates encoding of column using the performant AZ64 encoding for numeric, date, datetimestamp columns and lzo for char and varchar columnsn Run the following table creation SQL in query editor

SELECT "column", type, encoding FROM pg_table_def 
WHERE tablename = 'product_reviews';

You will see the following output.

• The default encoding of AZ64 is applied to numeric and date columns. Default encoding of lzo is applied for character columns
• The first sort_key column marketplace is not encoded, best practice is to not encode the first sort key column